Where Does The Fat Go When You Lose Weight?
When you lose weight, you hardly mourn the disappearance of the excess fat. But most dieters can’t help but wonder: where does fat go?
Many imagine a complex biochemical process in the body. Others believe the process creates heat or energy. But the simple truth of the matter is that you breathe out excess fat.
What many people don’t realize is that even after fat is lost, the fat cells never go away. Fat cells will shrink, but not disappear, and then it’s an ongoing battle to keep lost weight off − although it doesn’t have to be.
How does fat leave the body?
When you burn fat, or a molecule of triglyceride, you produce water, carbon dioxide, and energy. Thus the more you breathe, the more fat you lose.
If you’re a science buff, or remember anything about chemistry, the following formula demonstrates the process:
C55H104O6+78O2 → 55CO2+52H2O+energy
This roughly translates to the fact that it takes 29 kilos of oxygen to produce 28 kilos of carbon dioxide and 11 kilos of water after oxidizing 10 kilos of human fat. Thus you’ll breathe out most of the fat you lose and eliminate the water by sweating, urinating, or through other bodily processes.
The more carbon dioxide you exhale, the more fat you lose. This is why those who maintain active lifestyles tend to lose more fat than those who diet alone. If you’re engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise − like running − you’re even more likely to lose weight.
Are the fat cells really gone?
Unfortunately, fat cells never disappear from the body; they only expand or shrink according to your energy input compared with your energy output. This means that if you’re consuming excessive amounts of food, your fat cells will grow. As you diet, they’ll shrink.
People who have been significantly overweight are more likely to regain weight because they have more fat cells in their bodies ready to store fat. Moreover, these cells tend to expand quickly, making it even more difficult to lose weight and keep it off. However, building muscle, especially through strength training, is a simple way to ensure your body uses more energy during the day. Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells, so the more muscle you build, the better off you’ll be.
Additional reading: How to measure success when dieting >>
Take control of your weight loss
Getting and staying active is the best way to lose fat and keep it off. If you’re struggling to get started or want additional support for your efforts, PhenQ can help.
As a comprehensive weight loss supplement, PhenQ blocks additional fat storage while helping you burn stored fat. Moreover, it boosts energy, helping you fuel your workouts to breathe more (and weigh less).
If you’re ready to take control of your body and lose weight, PhenQ, along with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, is the way to do it. You don’t have to wonder anymore where does fat go when you lose weight. Remember, fat loss means breathing more − so get active! Once you do, you’ll never turn back!