5 Common Weight Loss Myths, Debunked!
As soon as you decide to lose weight you’ll be overwhelmed with tips, tricks, and “proven facts” about weight loss.
These common myths are enough to derail the plans and goals of even those with the best intentions. And as such, it’s important to understand the facts behind each myth to ensure you stay on track with your weight loss efforts.
Many myths conflict with factual information you need to know to lose weight. Below, we’re debunking five of the most problematic weight loss myths and discussing the truth about each. This information will enable you to pursue your own weight loss journey well-equipped for success.
Which of the following statements is not a weight loss myth? None ?
- Exercise Isn’t Important for Weight Loss
With some studies suggesting diet alone is enough for weight loss, it’s common for people to be confused as to whether they should choose to exercise or not. The premise behind this myth is simple: If you exercise, you’ll be hungrier. Because of this, you’ll eat more, thereby compromising your efforts to decrease caloric intake and lose weight.
But this just isn’t true.
Recent studies reveal that while those who exercise do compensate by eating more, they don’t eat enough to surpass the calories they’ve burned during exercise. This creates a negative energy balance, making it simpler for these people to lose weight and keep it off.
- Removing One Food From Your Diet Will Make You Successful
When you limit any kind of food from your diet, you are bound to lose weight. After all, you’re consuming less calories so naturally, this deficiency will turn to weight loss if not replaced by other foods.
This myth is the premise of many fad diets. Likewise, it’s the reason many people gain weight if they accept this myth as fact. Not only do people have a difficult time following diets like this, they also get tired of following such a restrictive plan. Additionally, fad and restrictive diets often lead to nutritional deficiencies. This makes them unhealthy and you should not follow them.
Instead, focus on consuming a well-balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each plays an essential role in the body and must be consumed to achieve optimal health.
- Carbohydrates Will Make You Fat
Low-carb diets are amongst the most popular choices for dieters. That’s because many believe that carbohydrates, particularly simple carbohydrates, are closely linked with weight gain. But if you limit carbs, you’re increasing your risk of nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, low energy, and avoiding foods that offer health benefits.
In fact, carbohydrates won’t cause you to gain weight when you consume them correctly on any diet. Whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fibre-rich foods like fruit, vegetables, beans, and legumes are essential for energy and weight loss.
Naturally, you should limit refined sugars found in candy, desserts, white breads, and other simple carbohydrates. But when weight loss is your goal, consuming complex carbohydrates is a great way to boost your energy, burn fat, and support your weight loss goals.
- Skipping Meals Will Promote Weight Loss
The idea behind skipping meals is this: If you consume fewer calories (by cutting out an entire meal), you’ll create a caloric deficiency that causes weight loss. And while this seems like it should be true (if you adhere to the calories in/calories out method, that is), it’s just another myth.
Skipping meals will make you hungrier and prompt you to eat more, and likely overeat, at your next meal. Many studies even find a link between skipping breakfast and obesity. As such, skipping meals doesn’t serve any specific purpose. Rather, it serves as a setback for most people trying to lose weight.
Instead of skipping meals, pack healthy snacks and other food to ensure that when it’s time to eat, you’re always prepared.
- Snacking Causes Weight Gain and Should be Avoided
Whereas skipping meals often causes weight gain, snacking causes the opposite effect. Many dieters starve themselves between meals believing that doing so is necessary to lose weight. However, eating between meals helps you eat less at meals and helps prevent the common binging that occurs late in the day for those on a diet.
The key to smart snacking is to choose unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods. Doing so is a simple way to keep your metabolism high and your body fueled for your workouts and other essential weight loss activities.
Get the Information You Need for the Weight Loss You Want
Without the proper information, it’s difficult to lose weight. After all, if you believe a myth and diet accordingly, you run the risk of making mistakes that can cause the scale to head in the wrong direction.
One indisputable fact about weight loss remains that certain supplements can complement and further your own efforts. For example, PhenQ is a comprehensive supplement that not only burns fat and increases your energy levels, but suppresses your appetite as well. When combined with healthy lifestyle habits, this makes it simple to achieve the results you expect.
Remember, weight loss myths abound. Do your due diligence and research before believing any to ensure you aren’t falling victim to facts that will compromise your goals!