5 Ways To Stop a “Feeder” From Hindering Your Weight Loss
You’ve finally decided to make a lifestyle switch by eating a healthier diet and exercising regularly. However, there are a few obstacles on your path to weight loss and better health. One of those obstacles? A “feeder.”
A “feeder” could be anyone: a parent, friend, spouse, or coworker. “Feeders” aren’t usually ill-intentioned; however, they can still make it too easy for you to pack on the pounds. Luckily there are simple strategies you can use to ensure feeders don’t derail your diet efforts. 5 of these strategies are revealed below.
1: Tell people about your new lifestyle and why you’re doing it
No one is going to know you’re trying to get healthy if you don’t tell them! Once you make a decision to change your lifestyle, tell your family, friends, and even your coworkers. If they know you’re trying to lose weight, they aren’t going to keep pushing unhealthy food your way. Or, if they do, you can remind them of your efforts to be healthier.
2: Learn how to say “no!”
You don’t have to be rude, but you should feel like you can say “no” if anyone offers you something you don’t want. Be persistent and stick to your weight loss plan.
It’s important you never feel pressured to say “yes” just because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
3: Learn self-control
Sometimes feeders are unlikely sources. In fact, sometimes they can be your kids. Snacking on your kids’ leftovers or meals can add up in both calories and pounds. Place any leftovers immediately in containers to be stored away, or in the garbage if you aren’t saving the food. This eliminates your ability to pick at food and unintentionally eat more calories than you should.
Even if you don’t have kids, you may pick at your own leftovers! This makes self-control important for everyone if you want to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
4: Accept the food but don’t eat it
Feeders sometimes won’t take “no” for an answer. If you encounter someone like this, it’s best to just accept the treat and hide it, give it to someone else, or throw it away later.
You can always tell the person that you aren’t hungry now but will eat it later so as not to raise eyebrows when it’s still sitting on your desk or on your kitchen counter later.
5: Spend time around like-minded people
If you spend all your time with friends who just want to eat out or go out for drinks, you’re likely going to gain weight or feel like you’re losing your friends when you don’t want to do the same things as them. This makes it all the more important to spend time around individuals with healthy habits who will support you and help you thrive.
Get your diet on track and reduce “feeder” weight gain
By first recognizing the feeders in your life and then using the strategies above to deter them, you can stay on track with your weight loss. And if you need help getting started or staying motivated, PhenQ is an effective, comprehensive weight loss supplement that will help you burn fat, boost energy, and stay motivated.
So who are the feeders in your life? Chances are, there are more than you may think.